What Happens if Yo Dont Wait to Speak Weeds Again

I know I'm guilty!

You may be too, of over watering your marijuana plants.

I've watered my plants to much on several occasions.

But don't worry, there are many ways to get out of this mess.

So let's save your plant's!

Fact: One of the most common problems when growing in soil is watering too frequently.

Over watering medical marijuana can happen to anyone especially if you are new to growing.

Even experienced growers have this happen to them from time to time, although some may not admit to it.

If you're not careful it's not good for the plants and it also becomes an excellent habitat for root aphids.

Watering your plants too much can lead to mold buildup and also result in a perfect place for fungus gnats to thrive.

Springtails are another pest that are attracted to damp grow mediums and thrive in an over watered environment.

Although they do not harm the plant , but they spread quickly.

They all love the damp top soil or growing medium and rock wool.

Try and use about an i n ch of sand on the bottom and top of your grow medium of soil or coco coir to prevent an infestation from a lot of root eaters.

Here's a quick look at to what happens when you water your plants to much.

But seriously though it's when you suffocate your plant's roots with water because plants love oxygen.

If growing in soil or coco coir you can disturb the little air pockets in the soil or coco with too much water according to Colorado State University.

This can be the case when you grow with hydroponics you can encounter root rot from not allowing ample oxygen to hit the roots.

Signs of Over Watering Cannabis

  • Leaves curl downwards
  • Leaf tips turn yellow
  • Leaves will fall off for no reason
  • Plant Leaves droop (hanging down)
  • Slow plant growth, stunted
  • Constant damp top soil or coco
  • May look like a magnesium deficiency
  • May seem like a nitrogen deficiency

Your leaves should have the texture of paper.  Feel them are they firm? Not weak and limp.

over watered marijuana leaves drooping

How to Fix Over Watered Cannabis Plants


Stop watering and let the plant dry out. Not completely( this will damage your roots) but close to it.


Go longer in between watering


Stop watering so often (this is usually the cause).


Place a towel or newspapers or flyers under the pots drain holes to soak up excess water after all the runoff finishes.


May need to drill extra drainage holes in pots with soil if not getting proper runoff.


Make air holes in the top of soil or coco coir with chopsticks (beware you open the gates to gnats).


Increase the heat slightly in the grow area a degree or too.


Bring in an extra fan.


If growing in soil remove from current pot and place into a slightly bigger and or same size pot or fabric pot to aid in drying it out faster to save the plant.


When using Hydroponics have a better Air Pump or Air Stone.

Add one if you don't have one yet. It's essential !

Warning : It may be too late already.

Even if you try some of the solutions, it's all up to the plant on if it wants to or can recover.

Some genetics are weak and are not strong enough to recover from watering too much. It's when the plant has reached extreme stress.

I have seen both over watered, and under-watered plants recover. Until 4-7 days later just slowly start to die.

It's mainly due to root rot.

Be positive! Usually, you will catch this before it's a major problem.

That's why you're here.


Ways to Prevent Over Watering Marijuana

Soil or Coco Coir:

  1. When growing in soil make sure you have a high drainage soil such as Promix or Happy Frog.
  2. Add perlite if your soil doesn't have it already or coco coir 1-4 ratio both are great for drainage.
  3. Do not saturate the soil when transplanting or planting.
  4. Try Smart Fabric Pots.
  5. Drill extra drainage hole in the bottom of pots.
  6. Use a Water Meter or Moisture Meter in soil or coco if needed.
  7. Use the finger method by sticking your finger in the soil about an inch to see if dry.
  8. Avoid vermiculite it helps to retain water.
  9. One trick for soil so you do not over water is to take an empty pot and fill it with soil and use that one as a test. Check when to water by judging by the weight of your plant compare to the pot of soil.

Check out the video below on over watering a cannabis plant,

Hydroponic overwatering

It is possible to over water your weed plants in a hydroponic grow.

Hydroponic overwatering occurs when your growing your plants with the roots emerged in water and they are not getting enough oxygen to the roots.

This is happens when you have root rot.

Check the colors of the roots should not be tan, yellow or brown .

The roots should be white or cream in color.

Check for light leaks, and temperature of your water. Use a beneficial root bacteria, like hydroguard.

Also another reason is that they are not getting oxygen is that you may not be using extra air stones or a strong enough air pump.

Over watering during flowering

When growing in soil or coco it is possible to over water your cannabis plants during flowering.

In flowering they will start to not drink as much water as when in the vegetative stage.

All the common signs will start to appear like:

Drooping leaves ( clawing downward) , your leaves are starting to droop after you water you plants a couple hours late.

Plants not Praying, the leaves are not perking upward.( in a praying position)


  • Cut back on watering
  • Get on a consistent schedule to water
  • Check the top of the grow medium ( should be a little dry)

Under Watering marijuana

Your plant is drooping and it may look the same as an overwatered cannabis plant. Beware because if your growing medium is on the dryer side it is a sign of underwatering.

Over watered plants leaves are much more fuller look and feel than and under watered plant.

It can be hard sometimes to tell if your marijuan plants are underwatered, here are some things to look out for.

Signs of underwatered cannabis

  • Drooping leaves
  • Leaves are thin
  • Leaves are yellowing
  • Tips of leaf  look burnt
  • Leaves are clawing under
  • Looks like a nutrient deficiency

Fix your Under Watered plants

It's pretty simple just give ample enough of water and make sure your getting at least 10-15 percent runoff  in soil or coco.

In coco you can water everyday, it's usually recommended.

In soil wait at least 2-3 days between watering. Test by using you finger up to the first inch  should be dry before the next watering.


Final Thoughts

Over watering when your growing cannabis can happen more often than you think.

Some good rules to follow are:

Hydroponic growing , just keep a good air stone or air pump at all times !​

Have proper ventilation to help the plants breath and release their moisture build up.

Use a calendar for your water and nutrient feeding days; you may have to adjust as you go.

A good rule of thumb is to always check if your plants need water and not just assume they do.

Over watering your medical marijuana plants happens the most in soil.

When you grow in Coco Coir hydroponically or running a hydroponic system it's hard to water to much but is known to occur on occasion.

Remember there is nothing wrong growing in soil. Many growers prefer this method for the flavor and watering less often.

Where with hydroponics you run one to two times a day with a watering schedule.

Hopefully, this helps you get over this issue, and you save your plants.

Let me know in the comments what works for you or if you have any better solutions.

Keep Growing my friends.

Image credit, Image Credit

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Source: https://sensigarden.com/over-watering-marijuana/

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